☺potato chips en masse!☺ an atari vcs game made by chris read! 1. the story. ○ ○○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ►Not many people know this, but the potato chip and the onion ring have been battling it out ever since the beginning of time to see who is the best junk food of them all. One day god decided to arm both of them and let them decide once and for all who is the best junk food. Now it is an arms battle to see who can win. You control Fred, the fastest, wiliest potato chip of them all, as he wages war against the meanest, cruelest onion rings this side of the Pecos. Can you guide Fred to victory over the horrible onion rings? 2. controls. • joystick - move Fred around the screen • button - shoot ►To start a new game, at the title screen, press the button and a new game will start. If you're in the middle of a game, pressing the reset switch will end the game and you will go back to the title screen. 3. playing the game. ►Fred needs to shoot some onion rings. The nasty onion rings start at the right side of the screen and make their way to the left. When an onion ring gets to the left side of the screen, a new one will appear on the right side. Some of these onion rings can shoot missiles at you. Lucky for Fred, he can, too. Dodge the onion rings and their shots. 4. the screen. ►Fred starts the game with four lives remaining. You can see the number of lives you have with the lives meter. Three yummy yellow chips means Fred hasn't lost a life, while 0 chips means if Fred takes a hit, the game ends! The score is the four-digit red number down at the bottom there. Fred visits lots of lovely locales. His first stop is the mountains. 5. the boss screen. ►When Fred hits an onion ring, he gets two points. He also gets closer to the boss screen. In order to advance to the boss screen, Fred needs to shoot 40 onion rings. Then he will automatically move up into the sky and land in the center of the big onion ring. Touching the big onion ring, just like touching a small one, will cause Fred to lose a life. Shoot 10 onion rings while trapped in the middle of the boss onion ring to make the boss disappear and make Fred move on to the next location. 6. location, location, location. ►Fred visits the mountains. Then the caves. And after that, he goes down in the sea. If you get past the sea, the onion rings will start shooting homing missiles that zero in your location. If you don't move fast, these homing missiles will get you! There are ????? locations in all. If you get past them all, then something happens, but I don't know what because I forgot.